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Aim: a case report of a 5-year experience of regional (arterial chemoembolization) treatment of a patient with isolated liver metastases of skin melanoma.

Materials and Methods: in 1994, the patient performed excision of melanoma in the right scapular region. Patient didn't undergo another treatment. During examination in 2006 metastasis in the liver was revealed. Patient recieved five rounds of chemotherapy Aranoza, Temodal, Kanglite. Metastatic tumer, sized 16,5 х14,5 х18,5 cm, occupied right liver lobe with deformation of it. After gaining this data - patient received 2 courses of liver chemoembolization in 2008.

Results: during the 5 years follow-up - progression of tumor lesion is not noticed.

Conclusion: the optimal transarterial chemoembolization creates possibilities for an efficient delivery of drugs and tumor embolization particles in the affected organ, particularly in the liver. In addition to surgery (with resectable formations) and systemic chemotherapy, above capabilities regional transarterial therapy can provide long term as new palliative treatment of patients with metastatic melanoma.



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Despite the comparatively low morbidity rate, skin melanoma is known for its high mortality rate. High metastatic potential of the tumor, urges the necessity of improving methods of diagnostics, which can identify metastasis and assess the degree of dissemination at the early stage of disease.

We have analyzed results of ultrasound imaging of one of the earliest and frequent types of progression of melanoma - metastasis in regional lymphatic nodes. The article presents results of examination of 182 patients with skin melanoma with early metastasis in lymphatic nodes, also - characteristics of the image of tumor changes are described.

The high informativeness of ultrasound research for timely identification of metastatic changes and, respectively, the increase of the rate of survival of patients with skin melanoma are demonstrated.



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